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Supernatural Protection: Security and Peace of Mind in Knowing

Creflo Dollar

By Creflo Dollar

Sometimes children who need protection from bullies find it by forming an alliance with someone stronger and more powerful than them. This gives them the security and the peace of mind knowing that if trouble comes their way, they can depend on that stronger person for safety. As adults, we face similar situations from time to time, only the stakes are higher. When scary things in life threaten us, we can always find supernatural protection in a God who loves us.

Trouble can come in many forms, but we always come out victorious when we depend on God. In the Old Testament, a young shepherd boy named David trusted God to take care of Goliath, a bully who made the Israelite soldiers cower in fear (1 Samuel 17:1-51). David made a name for himself after he slew the giant who threatened the children of Israel, but he was smart enough to realize that God was ultimately responsible for his victory. He had the wisdom to realize that no matter how big the problem looks, God is bigger.

David most likely felt some fear when he saw and heard this giant, but his faith was strong enough to propel him forward. He refused to give up or back down, even when others much bigger and stronger than him fled. We can have the same victory over the goliaths in our lives when we acknowledge and believe God’s promise of deliverance for those who trust Him. “And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me” (Psalm 50:15). This is a straightforward promise that we can always count on in any situation. We simply have to remember to call on Him.

There are no guarantees in life; things can go well one day and downhill the next day. Like David, we’re wise when we realize we need an ally bigger than us. This ally is the Rock Himself, who stands ready to help. “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower” (Psalm 18:2).

There will always be situations we can’t handle on our own, and issues we have no control over. Even if we’re not facing threats from others at the moment, the news media is great at frightening others by reporting everything bad happening in the world. If we get caught up in something evil, we can call out to God for help with the full assurance that He always keeps His promise. “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17, NKJV). When we trust God more than ourselves, He’ll honor that trust; He’ll never let us down when we need Him.

If we get too involved in what’s going on around us, we can lose our focus on the only one who can help us when we get in trouble. Depending on our own strength or knowledge to keep us safe won’t get us very far, but God shields those who run to Him for protection. “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). God is greater than any tower built from solid rock. His strength can’t be overcome.

To learn more about how God’s supernatural protection overcomes fear, click on the link below for the CD series and book, Never Be Afraid Again.

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