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Judge Denies Tony Spell’s Request for a Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction

BATON ROUGE — Today, U.S. District Judge Brian Jackson of the Middle District of Louisiana denied’s motion for a Temporary Restraining Order against Gov. John Bel Edwards’ Stay at Home order, which was issued in March to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Louisiana and which expired yesterday.

Gov. Edwards’ Executive Counsel Matthew Block issued the following statement:

“Judge Jackson’s ruling supports what we have long said – that the Governor’s Stay at Home order was lawful, necessary and issued under the most dire of circumstances, with Louisiana facing widespread illness and loss of life from the dangerous spread of COVID-19. As both a lawyer and a man of strong faith, Governor Edwards carefully issued his Stay at Home order to put in reasonable mitigation measures that allowed for worship while still protecting the public’s health. He undertook this order as a last resort to protect the lives of the people of Louisiana. Further, Judge Jackson recognized that the Governor’s order to move the state to Phase 1 of the recovery from this pandemic allows for even greater opportunities for churches all across this state to connect with their communities.”

Click here to read Judge Jackson’s ruling.

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