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Iris Domestic Violence Center to host “Paint the Town Purple” initiative in October

Updated: Oct 7, 2020

“Paint the Town Purple” to Raise Awareness of Fight to end Domestic Abuse and Family Violence

According to FBI statistics, a woman is battered every 15 seconds in this country and 1 in 3 women will be beaten or abused in their lifetime by someone they know. Adding to this sober statistic is that it is estimated that less than 50% of domestic abuse incidents are actually reported to police. While these numbers are shocking, what is not reported is the countless children, friends, families, businesses and communities that are affected by domestic abuse and violence.

The month of October is designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Throughout the world, the month is typically filled with marches against domestic abuse and vigils honoring victims and survivors of domestic violence. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has severely limited those events in 2020.

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we did not feel comfortable in hosting those events again this year,” said John J. Price, Executive Director of Iris Domestic Violence Center, a victim services agency that serves Baton Rouge and the surrounding community. “In an effort to increase awareness about domestic violence and unite all of those working to end abuse, Iris will instead be kicking off its “Paint the Town Purple” campaign during the month of October.”

Purple is the color associated with the fight to end domestic abuse and family violence. Iris is asking that the public participate in the event and show their support for ending domestic abuse by exhibiting the color purple during the month of October.

Participants are also being asked to take a picture of their purple exhibitions and send it to Iris where it will be shared on the Iris website and Facebook page. Photos should be emailed to

“We are asking individuals, businesses and schools to participate by exhibiting the color purple to show their support for ending domestic abuse and family violence. Wearing purple clothes, putting a purple bow in your hair, a purple wreath on a door or a purple ribbon on your vehicle - these are all ways that people can express public awareness of the plight of domestic abuse and show their support for the work of Iris and other agencies to stop its spread,” said Price.

Janice Richards, Director of Development for Iris, stated that the Paint the Town Purple event helps to raise public awareness and recognize allies in the fight against domestic abuse and violence.It signifies our support for survivors of abuse while remembering those individuals whose lives have been lost due to domestic violence.Our Paint the Town Purple project will encourage others to join in our cause and make ending domestic abuse, sexual and relationship violence a lifelong commitment.”

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