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Congressman Troy Carter Calls for Louisiana to Conduct Fair Redistricting Process and Protect Black

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Troy A. Carter, Sr. convened congressional colleagues and leaders outside of the U.S. Capitol to call for a fair redistricting process in Louisiana that protects Black voters and creates a second majority-minority congressional district.

Joined by members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Congressman Carter led the group to speak in one voice against the age-old pattern of silencing and diluting Black votes and voices in our democratic system.

“We must begin to overcome our State’s tarnished past and move toward fair maps that follow the math and give Black Louisianians their rightful representation in our democratic system,” said Congressman Troy Carter. “I call on my former colleagues in the Legislature to do the right thing for their constituents and their state by drawing fair districts that truly look like Louisiana. Then, at the federal level we must act to reinvigorate the voting rights of our nation. Recent negotiations have led to a bipartisan agreement on gun violence prevention. They can, and should, lead to action on voting rights and protecting our democracy.”

Congressional Black Caucus leaders joined Congressman Carter at this event and gave powerful remarks, drawing parallels between what is happening in Louisiana and what is happening in their states and communities across the country.

Congresswoman Joyce Beatty, Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, said that, “We know all too well what is happening in your state, because it is happening across the United States. So we come today to tell you that we are standing fighting for our democracy. We are standing here protecting our right to vote.” Video of Chair Beatty is here.

Congressman G.K. Butterfield, a former voting rights attorney and Judge stated that, “I have read the opinion of Judge Dick from the Middle District of Louisiana, and she has written a very, very, scholarly opinion. It interprets Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act very accurately.”

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus said, “I want to thank my good friend and our colleague representative Troy Carter for his strong and steadfast leadership in ensuring that the African-American community in the great state of Louisiana has fair and equal representation and an opportunity to elect the candidate of their choice.” Video of Chairman Jeffries is here.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee shared that, “To Congressman Carter, I am standing with you, now 57 years after the 1965 Voting Rights Act…after all the work that has been done we are still working to ensure that there is representation for all people. … it is clear the math does not add up. I stand with the Congressman to ask for the Legislature to do its job, and for there to be the full representation of the people of Louisiana. Video of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is here.

Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell added that, “I am proud to stand with my colleague from Louisiana. We do so because we are kindred spirits in Alabama. We share the same problem. And we have the same solution, which is to restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act and pass the John Robert Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These state legislatures must do their jobs and draw fair maps that will allow African Americans to have their fair share of these elected seats. Video of Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell is here.

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