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WP Staff

Census Deadline Extended to the End of October

The 2020 Census deadline has been extended until the end of October.

You still have time to make a difference for the City of Baker by taking less than 10 minutes to fill out the online survey.

Remember that the results of the 2020 Census will determine how hundreds of billions of dollars of federal funding will be used throughout communities to shape various aspects, no matter the location or size of that community. 

Federal funding from the 2020 Census will allow us to create plans for highways, provide better school lunches, support firefighters and families in need among other things.  Please, we need your help. Baker's response rate as of 10-07-2020 is still just 66.9%. It is critical that everyone respond today not only for the community but for yourselves.

Every person not counted in the census costs their state approximately $1,800 per year in lost federal funding, according to Census Bureau estimates. Just in Baker the persons that have not yet responded to the Census equate to $8,530,200 in potentially lost funding that would otherwise be benefitting the community, parish and state. These are your tax dollars that should be coming back home to support local needs but will not if you do not respond in order for funds to accurately allocated.

How to Respond:

On the Web:

Respond to the Census today @

By Phone: 

English and Spanish Language Hours of Operation: (Customer Service Representatives are available every day from 7am to 2am Eastern Time on the following phone lines:)

English (50 states & Washington, D.C.): 844-330-2020

Spanish (50 states & Washington, D.C.): 844-468-2020

English (Puerto Rico residents): 844-418-2020

Spanish (Puerto Rico residents): 844-426-2020

TDD (Telephone Display Device): 844-467-2020

Non-English & Non-Spanish Language Hours of Operation: (Customer Service Representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8am to 10 pm Eastern Time on the following phone lines:)

Chinese (Mandarin): 844-391-2020

Chinese (Cantonese): 844-398-2020

Vietnamese: 844-461-2020

Korean: 844-392-2020

Russian: 844-417-2020

Arabic: 844-416-2020

Tagalog: 844-478-2020

Polish: 844-479-2020

French: 844-494-2020

Haitian Creole: 844-477-2020

Portuguese: 844-474-2020

Japanese: 844-460-2020

To help you respond, the Census Bureau also offers web pages and guides in 59 non-English languages, including American Sign Language, as well as guides in Braille and large print.

Visit Language Support to learn more.

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